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Monday 9 December 2013

"Thats so gay"

Let's think about it. It's not really, is it? If I had a pound for the amount of times I heard this in the school corridors, this time next year I'd be a millionaire! (Badum tss!)
But seriously, it is ridiculous how much ignorance and prejudice I hear everyday almost as soon as I walk out if the front door! If this is how it is for the LGBTQ community today, I am so glad I wasn't around to see what society may have been like 20 years ago! 

"That's soooo gay" says the young boy and his gang in  hallway. They are harassing another young boy who is the same age as them, is interested in all of the same things as his peers, in fact there is only one difference that he has from everyone else who he spends practically everyday if his life with and will be doing for the next 4 years. He's gay.
 Now, you'd think in today's society that wouldn't be happening, but IT STILL IS. The next time you see someone you know who's LGBTQ, say hi, maybe even engage in conversation. What harm is it going to do anyone? Let's speak hypothetically. When you see that young boy, and he looks like he could do with someone to talk to, jump in there! It might just brighten up his day! 

And whatever you do, don't treat someone extra special just because of their sexual orientation or gender composition. You might think you are being nice, but to the person on the recieving end, it could sound really pretentious, ignorant it even prejudiced. It can make someone feel so alienated when all they want to do is feel accepted by their peers.
So the bottom line of this post is to never judge someone on the grounds of their LGBTQ status. I know what it's like to be feel alienated, and it's the worst feeling in the world, believe me.

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